A Microwell 30. évfordulóját ünnepli
Szezonális, teljes inverteres HP BLACK INVERTER uszodai hőszivattyúk bevezetése
Megjelent az új DRY SIREN Eco helyi szabályozással
Új piacok megszerzése: Ausztrália
Megjelenik az ATHMOSSPHERE szupererős baktériumölő légszűrő
Szezonális inverter HP BLACK végső helyszíni tesztelés
Új piacok megszerzése: Azerbajdzsán, Kuvait
• Germicidal ATHMOSS légtisztító bevezetése
• TOP INVERTER hőszivattyúk bővítése
• Új piacok megszerzése: Bahrein, Kenya
• HP GREEN INVERTER PRO medence hőszivattyúinak bevezetése - teljes inverter csúcskategória
• Microwell Globális Konferencia, 2 Budapest, 2019. szeptember
• DRY SIREN 2. generáció
• Új piacok megszerzése: Görögország, Izrael, Pakisztán, Olaszország
• DRY SIREN successfully installed in numerous pools in 5 countries.
• New high-tech testing facility for heat pumps built.
• Microwell celebrates 25 years!
• Start of development of new revolutionary concept of DRY SIREN swimming pool dehumidifier.
New "access to success" strategic plan with a focus on the expansion and consolidation of the sales network.
New production site in operation.
New resellers from Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, Croatia, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are added to the Microwell partner’s list. Coneco prize for Product of the year is won by DRY 500 Duct dehumidifier.
DRY 500 Metal swimming pool dehumidifier awarded Product of the year at Aquatherm Slovakia. Swimming pool products are shipped to customers in Holland, Belgium, Turkey and Kazakhstan.
Swimming pool products are being produced for Romania, Serbia, Spain and Portugal.
Hungarian subsidiary with an office in Budapest is established. Swimming pool heat pumps are exported to Poland.
Dehumidifiers are sold to England and Bulgaria.
First heat pumps for Slovak and Czech customers are produced.
Dehumidifiers are exported to Latvia and Lithuania.
Export of swimming pool dehumidifiers to Russia, Austria and Ukraine starts.
Microwell opens distribution of swimming pool dehumidifiers in Germany.
DRY 500 Metal swimming pool dehumidifier is awarded Product of the year prize at Aquatherm Slovakia exhibition.
Swimming pool dehumidifiers are being sold to Polish customers.
Business is expanded to Hungarian market.
With subsidiaries in Prague, Brno and Ostrava company is expanding to the Czech Republic.
The first swimming pool dehumidifier is manufactured, and with it, the third business division is established.
The second, air-conditioning business division is formed, and cooperation with LG starts.
Microwell is established as a single business division company, specialising in industrial measurement systems.